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Opterus Software

OPTERUS SOFTWARE+ APP LOGO DESIGN + B2B INSTRUCTIONAL ANIMATED ADVERTS We were tasked by Opterus to design a logo for their existing Retail Cloud Solution communication software called OPSCENTER and their new accompanying social app called Holler. In addition we...

604 Records – Identity

604 RECORDS +IDENTITY REDESIGN We were asked by our long-time client, 604 records, to redesign their existing logo and create a fresh new look to their brand. We took their predominantly B&W look, and injected blocks of bold colours, to reinvigorate one of the...

Instar AGF – Bioenergy Infrastructure Video

INSTAR AGF + BIOENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE VIDEO We were tasked by InstarAGF to create a series of videos that explain all the different facets of their asset holdings focusing on energy, utilities and civil infrastructure. We produced and directed a 3 video series, along...


Various PhotoshootsArt Direction + Project Management As with most projects we take on, we are asked to create the imagery to go along with the design. We are proficient at hiring the right photographer for the right project. We also manage the fashion styling and...

Toronto Raptors – Man of Action

RAPTORS “MAN OF ACTION” ONLINE CAMPAIGN + ACTION FIGURE PACKAGING We were commissioned by the Toronto Raptors to design an online campaign and limited edition action figure packaging to generate All-star game votes for Kawhi Leonard and Kyle Lowry. We created an retro...