Matt Barnes + 100 Page Photography Book Matt asked us to create a promotional book of his images that would showcase his photography in a format that people would want to keep on their coffee table. We really wanted his bold style shine through, and used only subtle...
Wayward Arts Magazine We were selected by Flash Reproductions to create an issue of “Wayward Arts” for their Counter Culture Series. We decided that we wanted to treat our version in a magazine, editorial photo story-style and combined with illustrative style...
Marianas Trench + AstoriaArt Direction + Design The band really wanted an 80’s adventure movie-style poster for the ablum artwork and press photos. The illustrations are a combination of photography and digital paint overs in photoshop to create the retro illustrative...
The Chocolate ProjectIdentity + Package Design Tasked to create an identity and roll out packaging for a hand-made chocolate company. We worked with a copywriter to name the flavours and created a consistent package design with simple typography and a flavour-based...
SAS + B2B Direct Mail Promo Piece SAS tasked us with designing a fun B2B package that spoke to the power of their office analytics software. They wanted something that couldn’t be ignored when it landed on a potential clients’ desk. We came up with the idea of a neon...